Refund policy

Returns are available for everyone who purchase in the store. Your purchase history on megaphoneoffers.com displays the latest eligible date for a return or replacement, however, we recommend keeping track of all manufacturer packaging and your receipt for a minimum of 90 days after purchase.

The following policy applies to returns of products purchased in

Returns are available for everyone who purchase in the store. Your purchase history on megaphoneoffers.com. displays the latest eligible date for a return or replacement, however, we recommend keeping track of all manufacturer packaging and your receipt for a minimum of 90 days after purchase.

The following policy applies to returns of products purchased in SQUISHY IT SOLUTIONS PVT LTD store, megaphoneoffers.com.

Items sold and shipped by Walmart can be returned or replaced, when available, by mail within 90 days of receipt.

Most items purchased online from October 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022, are returnable until January 31st, 2023. Marketplace seller participation varies.

If an item you received from Walmart.com is damaged or defective, you can return by mail for a refund or replacement or at any Walmart store for a refund.

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